New Garden Members, work group sessions
Meets most Saturday mornings at 11 AM, and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM.
Fun and instructional gardening projects at the Good Neighbors Garden, including planting and maintaining herb plants, tending the strawberry bed, growing flowers for cutting, and more.
Help is given as needed in setting up new members' plots.
Date: TBD - Tentative date April 12, 2025
Time: TBD - Normally beginning at 11 AM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden
Event: Spring Clean-up Work Event
Details: New and returning garden members get together to help work on plots, general garden clean-up, and set up the garden for the coming gardening season.
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Time: 2 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden
Event: Our annual Community Garden Potluck to celebrate the harvest and enjoy each other's company.
Details: With perfect weather, we had a good turn-out of about 25 garden members and guests. We grilled hot dogs (regular and vegan) and shared a potluck meal to wrap up the gardening season.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 19 and 20, 2024
Time: Drop in starting at 11 AM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden
Event: Fall Clean-up Work Event
Details: We had a good turn-out, with beautiful weather this Saturday. We pulled weeds, cleaned up some of the communal plots, as well as the compost pile, and cleaned up the shed and around the apple tree.
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2023. Drop in between 11 AM and 2 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Garden members met, to clean and organize the garden, and get the plots ready for spring planting.
Details: Garden Cleanup event on Saturday turned out pretty well. Lots of members showed up to help pull weeds, spread dirt, work on the garden beds, organize things, etc. The garden looked very spruced up by the time we were done for the day.
Date: Saturday, October 29, 2022. Drop in between 10 AM and 2 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Garden members met, to get re-acquainted with fellow gardeners. We put the plots to bed, drained the water tank, cleaned the garden, and enjoyed a potluck meal at the picnic table.
Details: The day started off with fog, but quickly became sunny and beautiful. We enjoyed the fall colors, the sweet scent of various garden herbs and plants as we put the plots to bed, cut some of the grass, and in general had a good time.
Date: Saturday September 28, 2019, from 11 AM to 1 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Community work day, to move away some of the lumber by the compost pile, in preparation for a new load of compost to be delivered later this fall. Also, we need to use up the last of the current compost pile. We will fill up plots as needed.
Details: Alternate date of September 29.
Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 7 and 8, 2019, from 11 AM to 1 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Community work days - we got off to a good start, on cleaning up the “stuff” at the east end of the garden. We also refreshed a few of the community plots, cleaning out spent plants, and planting some fall crops.
Details: With beautiful weather both days, we managed to clean out some of the clutter, and plan for more removal later as possible.
Date: week-end of June 1-2, 2019
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: People dropped in to lend a hand, filling up plots with compost, pulling weeds, helping plant the community and children's beds. People also got a chance to take care of their own plots as well.
Details: Drop in and lend a hand, or work on your own plot. Enjoy time spend with fellow gardeners.
Event hours: 11 AM - 1 PM, or laterDate: Saturday, October 13, and Sunday, October 14, 2018
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: End of Season clean-up
Details: The weather, for two days in a row was amazing. Along with final cleanup, including dismantling parts of the old fence, we also transplanted the raspberry plants and some strawberry plants to community plot areas. And planted tulip bulbs in a few places. Some of our spent plant materials otherwise meant for disposal in yard waste bags instead got chopped up into bits and pieces, to help build up the ground near plots which get flooded in the spring.
Saturday Noon to 2pm
Sunday 10 am to Noon
Date: Saturday and Sunday, August 25 and 26, 2018
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: We began a series of week-ends or Sundays, where people came to work on construction of both the fence and the shed.. People brought their many tools, namely, hammers, cordless power driver, cordless sawzall, level, and a can-do attitude.
Details: Generally starting around 10 AM,and running for several hours or more
Date: Saturday & Sunday, May 05 & May 06, 2018. 11 AM - 2 PM.
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Spring Cleanup - Garden Open Days
New and returning garden members came in to start up the garden.
Details: We added one more children's plot, and filled many garden beds with compost. Spring planting got started, with cool weather crops, herbs and flowers. We assembled a few trellises, for beans, peas, and watermelons. Welcome to all our new members!
Date: Saturday, October 21, 2017, begins at 1 p.m
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Harvest/Clean-up Party
Details: We took advantage of the mild weather to organize a clean-up and harvest work day, to clean up the community garden and private plots.
Date: Saturday, August 26, 2017
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Group work event.
Details: Got lots of work done, on the community beds, and finished anchoring the front fence posts. Also weeding, watering and general cleanup.
Date: Saturdays, June 08 and June 15, 2017
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Fence Day, I & II
Details: Completion of the front portion of the new, wood fence.Congratulations, guys!
Date: Saturday, June 03, 2017, at 10 AM.
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: We continued adding compost to the seven new raised beds, cleaned out weeds, transplanted some perennials, planted summer crops such as beans, carrots and tomatoes, and other tasks.
Details: Normally runs for several hours.
Date: Saturday, May 20, 2017, at 10 AM.
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Construction of new raised beds, and other tasks. The day started off cloudy, but ended up beautiful.
Details: Normally runs for several hours.
Date: Saturday, May 13, 2017, at 10 AM.
Location: Good Neighbors Garden, at Martin Road Park, in Ferndale
Event: Spring Cleaning and Setup - continuation of a week of cutting the grass, transplanting perennials, and prepping community beds. Staked new plots, transplanted raspberries, and more.
Details: Normally runs for several hours.
Date: Saturday, October 8, 2016, 11 AM - 2 PM
Location: Good Neighbors Community Garden at Martin Road Park
Event: Harvest Party
Details: This year, we held our annual Harvest Party in conjunction with the Hilton Fall Festival. Along with some produce from the garden, including water melon grown this year in the children's plot, and pickled veggies for sampling, we had crafts, games, and free gifts.
Date: Sunday, June 26, 2016, at 9:00 AM
Location: Martin Road Park, in Ferndale; across the Curling Club building
Event: Plot assembly, for raised beds
Details: With hard work and lots of participation, we constructed most of our raised beds, and planted some of the community plots.
Thanks to the following, for their generous donations: Durst Lumber generously provided a one-time discount for lumber, and a free delivery. Pawluk Design and Build generously contributed some labor. Cinzori organic farm generously donated nine flats of organic starter plants.
Date: Saturday, Apr 23, 2016
Location: Martin Road Park, in Ferndale, MI (across the Curling Club building)
Event: Garden Fence Day
Details: We put up a good portion of the fence, and marked off the location for the community plot beds.
Date: Saturday, April 16, 2016, at 9 AM
Location: Good Neighbors Garden
Event: Garden Move Day
Details: With a strong crew of GNG and Community Housing volunteers, we got a lot done today. We took down all of the community beds, the large water collector, the bee enclosure, our hand-painted signage, and most of the fence.
We then moved the fencing, our 275 gallon rain water drum, and other stuff to the Martin Road Park. We also transplanted four of our fruit trees.